Connection creation for DB / Warehouse

This is a first step in the uArrow Data Quality.

We need to create a connection for a target cloud warehouse / database and need to specify the database parameters.

Once we create the connection, we can define DataQuality rules for datasets / tables.

Create Connection
Below are the steps to create snowflake connection in the uArrow Application:
1. Click on Connections menu

2. Choose relevant database / warehouse (+) button, In this example I am using snowflake warehouse to register connection in uArrow.

3. Provide the connection details to register in uArrow

Parameter Name Description
Connection name Specify the name of the source connection.
Host Enter the name of machine where the snowflake cloud warehouse  instance is located, it should be computer name, fully qualified domain name, or IP address.
Port Enter the port number to connect to this snowflake cloud warehouse. three or four digit integer, Default: 443 for snowflake.
User Enter the username of the snowflake cloud warehouse, The user name to use for authentication on the snowflake warehouse.
Password Enter the snowflake user’s password. The password to use for authentication on the snowflake warehouse.
Advanced JDBC properties
db Enter an existing snowflake database name
schema Name of the existing snowflake database schema
role Provide snowflake warehouse role name
warehouse Specify existing snowflake warehouse name

4. Select existing Jira Connection in Jira Connection Id if Jira connection registered in uArrow already.

5. After connection details, validate connection to verify connection details provided are correct.

6. Save the connection.

View Connections
In order to see the list of existing connections and their details we need to click on relevant warehouse / database icon (As highlighted in below image).

Once we click on the card, we can see the list of connections created under the target warehouse.

  • For each connection, uArrow provides following information from database / warehouse metadata like below
    • Tables count,
    • Connection description,
    • Created user,
    • Last Modified time
    • Last refresh time
  • You can also able to perform below Actions
    • Metadata: uArrow would fetch latest metadata information about datasets from database / warehouse configured in connection.
    • Edit: To edit the existing connection.


View DataSets
Click on View Tables -> To see the list of datasets under the connection configured.

For each dataset / table, you can able to

DataQuality: Create/View Data Quality rules
DQ Report: To view data quality job dashboard report if already run.
Metadata: To refresh table / dataset level metadata refresh if any changes in database.
